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20 sessoins | Twice a week

A course designed to teach reading and writing the Urdu script in both its traditional (paper) and digital formats with special emphasis on hand-writing.


The Urdu script appears differently in its written and digital formats.

Learning Objectives


To learn & improve one's handwriting in Urdu


To read entire paragraphs by the end of the course


To correctly pronounce Urdu alphabets that are new to Hindi

Course Content

Noor places special emphasis on the nuances of hand-writing & getting each alphabet form right before moving on to the next one

Rasm-ul-khat (Urdu script)

  • Urdu alphabet, connectors, non-connectors, long & short vowels

  • Numbers, ordinals, days of the week & months


  • Key differences between Urdu & Hindi alphabets

  • Epiglottal sounds & associated words

  • Commonly mispronounced Urdu words

  • Symbols & special characters utilised in anomalous pronunciations


  • Utilising Urdu for basic conversation during the course for e.g. greetings, courtesy, asking questions & clarifying doubts


  • Grammatical concepts & word combinations written uniquely in Urdu

Urdu Learning & Facilitation Philosophy

The daily lexicon we utilise to speak in Hindi is brimming with Urdu influences. Additionally, Bollywood is an inescapable part of growing up as an Indian. Urdu & its facets have already been entrenched into our mind subconsciously.


At the most basic level, the predominant role of an effective facilitator is to simply draw out a sense of awareness and observation of the nuances of this beautiful language, so as to develop a working relationship with it.


At a slightly advanced and equally imperative level, it is the facilitator’s duty to infuse their sense of joy and passion for Urdu into avid learners they meet with and help them find their own sense of intimacy with the language & its literary works.


Hence the learning sessions are largely interactive and rely on the learner bringing their curiosity & enthusiasm into each session.

Why enrol with Noor?


Designed to suit beginners without
compromising on depth & nuance
for advanced learners

Improve Diction

Opportunity to listen to & speak
the language in a peer group

Adaptive Curriculum

Customised to the aptitude &
interest of group participants

Highly Interactive

Questions, participation & diverse
points of view are encouraged

Multi-lingual Explanations

Key concepts are simplified in
Hindi & English to ensure there is
no loss in learning

Shaairaana Mizaaj

Learn poetry appreciation & the
art of recitation from a poet &
performing artist

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Fountain pen

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